In The Spirit Of Camp Casey

I wrote this sept 9, 2004:

Hi Chris Reed;
My name is Bodhi, and I first heard of you on Aug,2004 when I and a half million of my fellow citizens marched in the streets of N.Y.C. to protest George Bush and the Republican National Convention.
Our numbers were so big that day that we took over the streets for
blocks. You would've been impressed, my friend, at the love and
dedication that was present there.
In the mist of several hundred people singing "Give Peace A Chance", a shy young woman approached me and asked if i would wear a button with your name on it. It is a black button with the words "Christopher J. Reed" "Craigmont, ID", and "07-10-04" written across it.
Holding the button in my hand I realized who you were, and why your name was given to me. A lump rose in my throat as I pinned the button to my shirt.
I Later found out that you were a Pfc in the 3rd Battalion, 506th
Infantry, 2nd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Divison of the Marines and that on 07-10-04 you lost your life in some shithole town in Iraq fighting for your country.
You were only 20.
Yesterday the Pentagon announced that 1,000 young men like yourself have lost their lives since the 18 months fighting began in Iraq. More than 500 children have been left without fathers as a result. The youngest fatality was 18, the oldest 59, and more than half that died were not yet 30.

1,000 young men........
1,000 flag draped coffins......
1,000 men not coming home to loved ones.....

Today I'm taking the time to remember the men that have died in this conflict, not as a political issues for or against the War, but as a personal one that affects the love and compassion I hold for humanity.

Shit Chris, you were only 20.
You should've been studying in college.
You should've been getting drunk with your buddies.
You should've been getting laid.

Instead you've become a statistic for assholes like Donald Rumsfield and John Kerry to bandy about for political consideration. And for your sacrifice the price of gas is still 2.00 a gallon.

What a waste.
What a fucking waste.

The most I can do for you and the 999 servicemen that have died along with you is to keep you in my prayers and to redouble my efforts for peace. I will not shed a tear for you - leaving that for your family and loved ones and the War Hawks parading in front of the cameras.
Instead I will wear the button I was given with your name on it and try to convince the kids getting out of High School how totally useless your death was. Later I will help these young people avoid the Draft.

Goodbye Chris.
May you find Peace.


Blogger Bushcheney08 said...


8:33 PM  
Blogger James F. Marino said...

Your words are prophetic Bodi. Too many young Americans, Afganis
and Iraqis have died in Bush and the PNAC's war to usher in the Illuminati New World Order.

The insanity must end my friend.
And before any further blood is shed.


3:48 PM  

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