Macroglossius lunarius AKA the "Barking Idiotarian Moonbat"

Barking moonbat:
Someone on the extreme edge of whatever their -ism happens to be.
(coined by Perry de Havilland)

"The Jerrys gave you that coat to humilate you son, that's why you must wear the coat always, and wear it proudly!"
-British Major to Billy Pilgrim in the film "Slaughterhouse Five"

Recently Right-Wing Conservatives writers on the 'Blogosphere' have taken to insulting anti-War and anti-Bush activists as being "barking Moonbats." Conservative blog sites are dedicated to "Moonbat Alerts" exposing any outragious and controversal quotes (usually taken out of context) by anyone they have conveniently labeled as "Leftist."
What the Right hasn't yet realized is the peace movement is quite adept at taking any insult thrown at 'em and turning it into a badge of honor. As such, I'm willing to take this opportunity to say on the record and in front of the world that I am an unrepentent, unashamed, and self-confessed Moonbat.

...and I can't wait to howl at the next full moon!

But I suspect in that I am not alone. Take the following test and see if you qualify to be a 'barking Moonbat' as well >LINK<

Alas, if you find that you are indeed a MOONBAT like me, then please don't despair. At least we're not calling for federal troops to storm a hospital in Florida in order to force water on a dying brain dead woman! There are far more "moonbats" on the Right (they are called by us - "mooncalves") who unfortunately have the ear of the President of the United States and most of Congress.

And...apparently hanging out in the extreme political wilderness won't be so lonely for us either - because we'll have someone fun to talk with who shares our ravings. Check this out: A "Virtual Moonbat"!! Try it out! It's fun!

or try out : the original Chomskybot

here's some pure silliness from the Right Wing:

How to spot a "Moonbat":INDC Science Series:

Seasonal Moonbat IMF Migration, Part One

Seasonal Moonbat IMF Migration Part Two:

INDC presents: Dances with Moonbats - Moonbat Xtreme http://www.indcjournal.com/archives/001280.php

Part Two: http://www.indcjournal.com/archives/001349.php

Even MORE Moonbat sightings:

Fun With Moonbats - The Photostory

a "new film montage of Leftist Wackadoos" -- Manic Moonbats on Parade:

The Moonbat song:

Moonbat merchandise:

The Moonbat Hunters:

Discover the Network

INDC Journal

Barking Moonbat Early Warning System


Blogger hArEsGroVE said...

Some have called me a moonbat-
I am. I totally enjoyed this read!

THis is great- I have picture to share that will crack you up- re moonbats. f you check my blog in a day or so 'll add it there, we had loads of fun making it.
Power to the peaceful and thanks for that beautiful voice of reason.

this moonbat is checkin' out
keep on keepin' on!

7:23 AM  

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